Cameron Mendes

Cameron Mendes

About Cameron Mendes

Cameron Mendes featured in “Haath Uthakar” Season 2 of Bridge Music! ​ Born in the year 1983, Cameron grew up in a Christian home where his father, a Muslim and his mother, a Catholic, received Jesus as their personal Lord & Savior in the early ’80s. They have been pastoring a church in Mumbai ever since. Cameron was only six years old when he started playing the piano and was encouraged by his parents to study music through the ‘Trinity College of Music – London’ and to join the church worship team as a keyboardist. One day, in the year 2000, while he was praying in his living room, he heard an audible voice of the Lord calling out to him and asking him to serve in His kingdom. This gave birth to 'Yeshua Ministries', and since then there has been no turning back. ​ Today, Cameron lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra with his wife Jenny and their son 'Zac'.



